Tom Allen
Permanent Address: 333 Colorado Blvd., Valparaiso, IN 19077
Phone: (222) 500-3333
Bachelor of Arts – Athletic Training, May 20xx
CPR/First Aid
Athletic Training Certification (April 20xx)
Dean’s List – 20xx to present
Provost’s Scholarship – 20xx to present
Stephen Philips Scholarship
Florence Bushee Scholarship – 20xx to present
American Baptist Credit Union Scholarship – 20xx-20xx
National Ministries Undergraduate Scholarship (American Baptist Churches USA) – 20xx-20xx
Played football for the Harvard college team. (20xx-20xx)
Played for the NFL team the Patriots (20xx-20xx)
Played for the NFL team the Eagles (20xx-20xx)
Undergraduate Research Project in Exercise Physiology
Harvard College, PA (20xx-20xx)
Studied the effects of the KiloWatt Intensity Gaming System on cardiovascular and metabolic rates of college-aged males
Presented at Mid-Atlantic Region ASCM Convention in Harrisburg, PA, November 20xx
Submitted to the National ASCM Convention in Denver, CO, May 20xx
Submission to journal is in process with faculty advisor
Research Project in Exercise Physiology
Harvard College, PA (20xx-20xx)
Studied relationship of a walking program of self-efficacy and functional ability in older adults at an Assisted Living Community
Presented at Messiah College School of Health and Natural Science Research Symposium, Spring 20xx
Presented at Mid-Atlantic Region ACSM Convention In Harrisburg, PA, November 20xx
Related Lab Assistant – Exercise Testing and Prescription
Harvard College, PA (Spring 20xx)
Worked with the following equipment: metabolic cart, force plate, & portable lactate analyzer
Gained competency in the following areas: exercise prescription, maximal and submaximal exercise testing, body composition and hydrostatic weighing, and BIA (bioelectric impedence)
Clinical in Athletic Training
Harvard College, PA (January 20xx)
Obtained 100 clinical hours in an off-campus medical facility
Observed surgeries, conducted a patient case study, and developed a presentation on a special topic
Teaching Assistant – Kinesiology
Harvard College, PA (Fall 20xx)
Graded papers
Developed quizzes and study guides
Taught mini-labs within the lecture
Athletic Training Internship
East Pennsboro High School, Enola, PA (Fall 20xx)
Worked with junior high, junior varsity, and varsity football teams
Developed rehabilitation programs for a variety of ankle and knee injuries from the acute stage until return to play
Student Athletic Trainer
Harvard College, PA (20xx-20xx)
Covered various sports activities (20xx-20xx)
Worked with the women’s basketball team (20xx-20xx)
Fitness Inservice
McPhereson Park, Gloucester, MA (Summer 20xx)
Spoke to a group of elderly people living at an assisted living/retirement community
Gave suggestions of how to incorporate simple exercises into their daily lives; demonstrated safe stretching and strengthening exercises
Fitness Inservice/Exercise Testing and Prescription
SeniorCare, Inc., Gloucester, MA (Summer 20xx)
Spoke to the employees about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating
Administered the Houston Non-Exercise Submaximal Test to determine a baseline VO2 as well as BMI
Recommended exercise programs, both aerobic and non-aerobic, for eight people
Student Athletic Trainer’s Association
Member 20xx-20xx
Secretary 20xx-20xx
Phi Epsilon Kappa Honor Society
Member 20xx-20xx
Special Olympics
Organizing First Aid 20xx
First Aid volunteer 20xx
Buddy to athlete 20xx
Missions Trip to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti (Summer 20xx)
Learned how to cross cultural barriers and interact with another culture
Assisted in the construction of a house and a medical clinic
Assisted in medical check-ups of sponsored children
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